Masts For Air Terminals

Lattice Free Standing Masts (LFSM)
Lattice steel masts are made up of many different steel structural components connected together with bolts or welded. Many different types of lattice steel masts exist. These masts are also called self-supporting masts or free-standing masts due to their ability to support themselves. This type masts also is fabricated by steel pipe with angle or bracing members, which provides great strength, low weight and wind resistance, and economical in the use of materials.
Polygonal Free Standing Masts (PFSM)
Polygonal free standing masts are generally continuously tapered that coutains one or more segment. Polygonal type masts are constructed of overlapped in the form of flanged connections. Design of an Polygonal masts is planned and structured with considering the wind resistance and the workability of the arrangements according to standards.

Pipe Type Free Standing Masts (HDGT)

Pipe type masts are one of the types of single base and with different heights and is used in different industries. pipe type masts are constructed in form of welding and flange connections.
Pipe type masts have many advantages, including:
- Design and construction in a short time
- Easy to install
- Easy to transport
Telescopic Mast (TFSM)

These Petunia's High Corrosion durability Masts are for fixing and supporting of Air terminals and ESE lightning rods. They should fasten vertically by anchors or suitable saddle. Easy assembly of them and connecting of air terminals by the head-mast adapter piece, is an advantage of them.

H.D.G Mast Support (HDGL)
Concrete Base Free Standing Mast (CFSM)

Free standing mast with Concrete Base Weight for flat roofs are included of 4 x Concrete Mounting Blocks in a quick and easy to install. Concrete Mounting Blocks combine special concrete for protection against wet weather. The mast can be vertically aligned during installation through the adjusting screws on each concrete base weight.

Wall Mounted Air Terminal Support (ASR)

Petunia wall mounted air terminal support is used for installing air terminal on wall, chimney and stack.