CP Monitoring System

GPS Interrupter

For most pipelines extend over extremely long distances, or piping in plants with several transformer rectifiers the Cathodic Protection system needs to be switched on and off simultaneously during testing in order to measure the instant off potential. The internal time can be calibrated by GPS satellite, the Cathodic Protection Systems can be synchronized on and off from the pre-prescribed dates. By setting the time parameters, the instrument automatically performs a periodic on/off control process.
Remote Monitoring
Remote monitoring devices to monitor your complete cathodic protection system include: Rectifiers, anode, testpoints, drains, etc.
Also, they carry out specific cathodic protection functionality:
- Measure AC+DC voltage and current
- Measure frequency
open circuit potential measurement (together with rectifier) - 24hr on potential measurement
- 24hr stray current measurement (Coupon).

Data Logger
Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record data for cathodic protection systems such as potential with higher accuracy and speed.